Harmony Care LLC is a home care agency that was established in April 2011.
We offer In-Home Care, Consumer Directed Services, Private Duty, and kids/youth services.
Our participants include older adults, seniors, kids/youths, and individuals with medical conditions and /disabilities.
We customize our services to meet the individual needs of our participants.
Harmony Care LLC is guided by the principle of customized care. This principle recognizes that care should reflect the individual’s needs, values, and choices.
We recognize that each individual is different and may have different needs and preferences.
“Client satisfaction is our top priority”
“Creating harmony in people’s lives”
Why Choose Us
Unlike many other providers of quality Home Care in St. Louis, Missouri, the principal founders of the company are Registered Nurses who have extensive experience in the health care industry.
They principal founders are actively involved in developing an individualized plan of care with the participant’s/participants’ family and ensuring that the participant’s needs are met.